Congratulations to the 2024-2025 scholarship recipients!

LaWanda M.


Adler University

Receiving the AbbVie Immunology Scholarship is more than just financial support; it is a profound validation of my dedication to achieving my personal and professional goals despite the daily battle with an inflammatory disease. It empowers me to pursue my studies with greater focus and vigor, inspiring me to contribute meaningfully to clinical psychology and ultimately improve the lives of children and adolescents. This scholarship is a testament to the potential impact of my work and the importance of perseverance in the face of challenges.

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Caitlin G.


Howard University: School of Medicine

In July, I am set to begin my first year of medical school in Washington, DC. Pursuing a career in medicine has been a lifelong ambition, inspired by my late aunt, a distinguished cardiothoracic surgeon, whom I admired greatly during my childhood. In addition to alleviating the financial burdens of medical school, receiving this scholarship would provide invaluable support for my research aspirations. Specifically, I am eager to contribute to ongoing research on Hidradenitis Suppurativa at my university. One particular professor’s work focuses on elucidating the roles of neutrophils and innate immunity in immune dysregulation, particularly among African American patients with HS. With the scholarship's support, I aim to participate in her research initiatives, investigating novel treatment approaches and contributing to the understanding of HS pathogenesis.

Furthermore, I aspire to launch community outreach initiatives dedicated to raising awareness about HS and offering support to individuals impacted by this challenging condition. At my university, students are encouraged to establish organizations that reflect their passions and areas of expertise, extending their impact both on and off campus. With the assistance of this scholarship and the resources available at my school, I plan to establish a club devoted to increasing awareness of inflammatory diseases. Through these efforts, I am committed to driving research and effecting meaningful change in the lives of individuals grappling with HS and similar inflammatory conditions.

Moreover, it would deeply resonate with me knowing that others have faith in my journey to become a physician, to the extent that they wish to support me in achieving my aspirations. This validation and encouragement would further fuel my determination to make a positive impact in the medical field, particularly in addressing the challenges posed by inflammatory diseases like HS.

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Kyle W.


Harvard Business School

I am deeply grateful to AbbVie for awarding me this GI scholarship. Witnessing the impact of chronic diseases like Crohn’s has shown me not only the physical challenges but also the emotional and psychological toll they take. For me, community and authenticity have been crucial in managing these struggles. Thanks to AbbVie, I feel supported in my education and empowered to pursue my dream of building a business that serves the disability community.

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Dena A.

The University of Texas at Austin

Education has been the cornerstone of my life journey. From my first days in school till now, every experience and challenge I have undertaken has provided a unique avenue for growth and learning, allowing me to cultivate valuable insights that transcend academic boundaries. Through my experiences, specifically those related to my medical history, I have discovered the power of knowledge to inspire change, foster empathy, and drive meaningful action.

Having spent considerable time as a patient, I developed a deep-seated sense of trust and respect for healthcare workers. These experiences instilled in me a profound appreciation for the medical field and the pivotal role that healthcare professionals play in improving lives. Witnessing the dedication, compassion, and expertise of my caregivers sparked a desire within me to pursue a career as a physician. I realized that I wanted to provide the same level of care and empathy that I received, helping others improve their quality of life. Moreover, my upbringing in the borderlands has instilled in me a passion for social advocacy and healthcare accessibility.

Growing up in a region where many communities are often overlooked and underserved by our system, I witnessed firsthand the disparities in healthcare access and quality. This reality has inspired me to focus my efforts on helping these marginalized populations. I am excited to use my knowledge to create policies that increase healthcare accessibility and provide equitable care to all. As I continue to navigate the complexities of university life and beyond, I remain committed to embracing education as a lifelong journey of discovery and transformation. The aspects of my future that excite me the most are the opportunities to blend my medical expertise with my passion for social justice. I look forward to making a tangible difference in the lives of my patients, addressing healthcare disparities, and advocating for a more inclusive and accessible healthcare system.

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Lindsey A.

Providence College

Receiving this scholarship would enable me to pursue my dream of becoming an eye doctor and continuing to make a difference in my community. Through my 80s rock band, I have been able to combine my love of charity work with music by playing pro bono for various charities and fundraisers. For example, we helped raise money for a veteran’s roof and provided entertainment for a Leukemia and Lymphoma Society fundraiser in honor of my beloved cousin who was diagnosed with Acute Myeloid Leukemia at only 14 years old.

While I have plans to attend optometry school in the fall, I will be paying for my doctorate completely by myself. Being a recipient of this scholarship would not only provide necessary financial support, but enable me to continue to do what I love while making a difference, by connecting me with other students living with similar diseases. Through sharing my disease journey and listening to theirs, I can show people that your disease does not define you. You can still chase your dreams. Having the opportunity to use this platform to help children like me would be the greatest gift. Scholarships like this one gives students with chronic illnesses the chance to dream.

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Katherine A.

Emory University

My dream job since my initial diagnosis at age 9 has been to become a doctor. At Emory, I have access to countless research opportunities that will allow me to meaningfully contribute to the progression of modern-day medicine long before I graduate from medical school and complete my residency. With the financial support this scholarship offers, I would be free to focus on academic excellence and gain real-time medical exposure through opportunities outside of the classroom, both on and off campus, at research centers and hospitals affiliated with Emory in the Atlanta area. My parents work full-time in demanding professions to reduce my eventual educational debt burden and, during the summer holidays, I also work to contribute to my tuition.

However, with the ever-increasing cost of college, particularly at academically rigorous institutions like Emory, the gap between what our family can collectively contribute and the cost of attendance continues to grow. Due to my busy academic and basketball schedule, I cannot hold a job while school is in session. Therefore, I depend on scholarships to support my goals of graduating from Emory on time, with a double major, and on the pre-med track. I want nothing more than to use my leadership and volunteer experiences, as well as the abundant skills I will gain during my time at Emory, to create a better quality of life for my future patients, and to impact as many lives (and hearts) as possible in the process.

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Brady B.

Xavier University

I look to my left and I see my parents waiting anxiously for results. I look to my right and I see my doctors curiously looking over x-rays and notes they have taken, and when I look straight forward out the window, I see storm clouds approaching. The doctors look up and finally give us the diagnosis. And just like that my life is changed forever. After my diagnosis, I was put on a large number of medications. I had a number of kids make fun of me at school and it was a challenging time. Because of these experiences, I am acutely more aware that we are all collectively going through emotional, physical, and mental challenges of various degrees during our lifetimes. This knowledge has been my greatest lesson in compassion and empathy.

As I started my journey into high school, I had to reassess the sports that I was able to participate in. Cross country was off the table as I couldn’t run long distance, but instead of giving up, I asked the coach if I could be the manager. Each year, I continue to help manage the team and enjoy it in a different aspect. I tried out for the bowling team and made it my freshman year. Bowling was not a sport that I ever thought I would be a part of, but because of the diagnosis, I branched out to try new things and I love it. Throughout this process, especially on the hardest days, I have wondered why this happened to me. With the opportunity to reflect, I know it has given me more compassion for others, a high respect for the medical field, and a stronger sense of family.

Although the mountain I climb every day isn’t easy, I realize everyone is faced with challenges. The perspective and deeper insights I have gained from the views of these peaks and valleys have already made me a more well-rounded, empathetic leader to those around me facing their climb. This scholarship takes stress away from me as it helps to pay for another semester of college. Having a chronic illness is already so stressful. I cannot thank you enough!!

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Katherine B.

Wilmington University

Receiving this scholarship would be a transformative milestone in my academic and professional journey. It would help me pursue a personal goal I have been dreaming of for 15 years. This scholarship would significantly impact my educational experience and help shape my future trajectory in the healthcare field. To begin with, this scholarship would alleviate the financial burden associated with pursuing an advanced degree.

As you can imagine, having chronic health challenges and caring for two chronically ill children add to the financial burden of pursuing higher education, particularly at the doctoral level. The financial relief provided by this scholarship would enable me to focus more on my studies and less on financial constraints, allowing me to concentrate on my educational experience, my health, and my children. This support would grant me the freedom to even consider proceeding with advanced education, which would be financially impossible otherwise. Receiving this scholarship would significantly impact my career trajectory by opening doors to leadership roles that would allow me to promote excellence in patient care.

An MBA, combined with a doctoral degree, will equip me with a unique blend of advanced clinical knowledge and business acumen. This combination is essential for preparing me for future roles within my company. My long-term goal is to contribute to the development of policies and strategies that enhance the quality of care and help other healthcare providers perform at their highest level. In conclusion, receiving this scholarship would be a pivotal factor in my educational and professional journey. It would provide the financial support necessary to fully immerse myself in my studies and open doors to invaluable networking and career opportunities. Ultimately, this scholarship would empower me to make meaningful contributions to the healthcare field, driving positive change and improving the lives of my patients.

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Demeter B.

St. John Fisher College

I am sincerely honored to have been selected as a recipient of the AbbVie immunology scholarship. I have already been accepted into medical school and will be attending Lake Erie College of Osteopathic Medicine after the 2024-2025 academic year. This scholarship is helping me get one step closer to my future career and successes. I deeply appreciate and I am truly grateful for the support and immense generosity of AbbVie.

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Brian D.

Vanderbilt University: School of Medicine

Receiving this scholarship would empower me to continue my pursuit of helping bring meaningful change to healthcare. I have always demonstrated resilience through hardship and have found creative ways to turn my experiences with chronic conditions into a positive by working to inspire and empower others. This scholarship would enable me to continue on this path. Studying at Vanderbilt University and earning a Master’s of Public Health will be a challenging, yet incredibly interesting journey.

Throughout my time in the program, I will focus my studies in the areas of healthcare finance, economics, policy, and strategy. Receiving this scholarship would impact my educational experience and academic trajectory by allowing me to earn an education that is directly applicable to my field of work, without being burdened by more loans. After several discussions with leaders in healthcare nonprofits and the pharmaceutical industry, I have decided that an MPH in health policy is the right graduate degree for me. This program will equip me with the skills needed to address the problems which I seek to solve. I have an immense passion for public health and health policy, and this scholarship would help make my goals more achievable.

Likewise, by easing the burden of tuition, this scholarship would allow me to take greater risks in my career and stay in nonprofit roles that, while not the highest paying, are the most rewarding. I want to stay at a mission-based organization that allows me to focus solely on advancing policies that protect patients, increase access to medications, and help bring an end to the convolution and bad incentives that plague our healthcare system. Overall, I am very excited to begin my graduate education in Nashville this fall. Receiving this scholarship would be incredibly helpful and would bring my professional and personal goals within closer reach. Thank you for your consideration of my application.

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Madison D.

Columbia University

I am immensely honored to have been selected as a recipient of the AbbVie Immunology Scholarship. This scholarship will help to alleviate the financial burden that comes with pursuing my graduate degree while I continue to seek answers to my inflammatory disease. I sincerely thank AbbVie for investing in my future.

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Jaylen D.

University of Texas at Austin

Navigating college while living with juvenile arthritis has been a challenging yet profoundly enlightening experience. The extra time required for doctor's appointments and navigating campus between classes can be daunting, but these challenges have only strengthened my determination. I approach my studies with intentionality and determination, fully aware that my time is more limited than that of the average student. Despite these obstacles, I have remained devoted to my academic and professional goals, consistently striving for excellence during my time in college. Living with a chronic inflammatory disease has continually inspired me to work diligently towards medical innovation, recognizing the importance of making meaningful contributions to the field.

To other students with the same diagnosis, my advice is to never count yourself out. You are capable of more than you could ever imagine. Seek out all available opportunities and never hesitate to say yes to experiences that come your way. Living with a chronic illness has taught me invaluable lessons about self-advocacy and the importance of asking for help. They all want to see you succeed, so forming connections and asking questions is the best way to reach your goals. Additionally, continually seeking improvement in every aspect of your life can lead to significant personal and academic growth. Ask your mentors for advice on what will best set you up for success and follow their advice. This proactive approach has allowed me to achieve the successes I have today. Remember, your illness does not define you, but it can shape you into a more resilient, resourceful, and determined individual. Embrace what makes you unique, and use your experiences to fuel your passion and drive to succeed. I have seen how life with a chronic illness can be challenging, but I have also seen just how rewarding it can be. Keep going, and give it to God. Jesus has ultimately changed my life and I know He can change yours too.

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Cassandra F.

Carson-Newman University

Receiving this scholarship would be an honor and an invaluable financial support for my educational journey. Throughout high school, I developed a strong interest in the medical field through my active participation in science classes, including Honors Human Anatomy and Physiology and Honors Biology, a semester of student athletic training learning from experienced trainers and receiving practical experience in the field and a field trip to the Carson-Newman University cadaver lab. These experiences have allowed me to explore various educational paths within the field of biology. My current psychology and human emotion studies have further ignited my passion for this field. A degree in psychology emphasizes critical thinking, problem-solving, empathy, communication, and resilience, all essential skills in the field of healthcare.

As a result, I have decided to pursue a double major in biology and psychology, as it will help me achieve my long-term career goals. To gain more practical experience in clinical settings before medical school, I plan to take advantage of every opportunity to shadow experienced professionals during summer breaks and throughout college. These experiences will help me better understand the field and prepare me for the challenges ahead. Ultimately, I am determined to apply to medical school after completing my undergraduate studies and pursue my passion for medicine. This scholarship's support, along with my dedication, hard work, and experience, will help me achieve my academic and career goals while making a positive difference in the lives of others.

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Caitlin G.

Howard University: School of Medicine

In July, I am set to begin my first year of medical school in Washington, DC. Pursuing a career in medicine has been a lifelong ambition, inspired by my late aunt, a distinguished cardiothoracic surgeon, whom I admired greatly during my childhood. In addition to alleviating the financial burdens of medical school, receiving this scholarship would provide invaluable support for my research aspirations. Specifically, I am eager to contribute to ongoing research on Hidradenitis Suppurativa at my university. One particular professor’s work focuses on elucidating the roles of neutrophils and innate immunity in immune dysregulation, particularly among African American patients with HS. With the scholarship's support, I aim to participate in her research initiatives, investigating novel treatment approaches and contributing to the understanding of HS pathogenesis.

Furthermore, I aspire to launch community outreach initiatives dedicated to raising awareness about HS and offering support to individuals impacted by this challenging condition. At my university, students are encouraged to establish organizations that reflect their passions and areas of expertise, extending their impact both on and off campus. With the assistance of this scholarship and the resources available at my school, I plan to establish a club devoted to increasing awareness of inflammatory diseases. Through these efforts, I am committed to driving research and effecting meaningful change in the lives of individuals grappling with HS and similar inflammatory conditions.

Moreover, it would deeply resonate with me knowing that others have faith in my journey to become a physician, to the extent that they wish to support me in achieving my aspirations. This validation and encouragement would further fuel my determination to make a positive impact in the medical field, particularly in addressing the challenges posed by inflammatory diseases like HS.

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Jakob G.

Taylor University

Receiving this scholarship would mark a turning point in my academic and personal life. It would represent a tribute to the effort that I have put in, my commitment, and my potential with respect to alleviating the financial burdens associated with the cost of education. As such, this scholarship can help me better focus on studying and pursuing hobbies/interests without having regular thoughts about financial constraints. Scholarship-wise, it will grant me access to resources that I could not previously afford like advanced books, research materials, and technology to improve the learning process among others. This kind of funding will enable me to take part in conferences, workshops, and other academic events relevant to my career development as well as professional networking with peers. Such chances would enhance my understanding but also challenge me to explore further limits of what I am capable of.

Another reason is that this scholarship may influence my course work by allowing me more engagement opportunities with studies and research work. With free time from juggling two part-time jobs, I might devote additional hours to both coursework and lab assignments thus resulting in better performances academically as well as more satisfactory comprehension levels concerning subjects undertaken. Such efforts could yield significant developments in my niche area which are potentially groundbreaking.

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Charlie H.

University of Cincinnati

I can not even put into words what this scholarship means to me. My journey to get where I am today has been hard, really hard, and to have that recognized on such a large scale is so incredibly special. This award will help me become the doctor I have always dreamed of being, and that is a gift for which I will always be thankful. This opportunity means the world to me, and I promise to never take this moment for granted.

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Julie H.

University of Mississippi: School of Pharmacy

I plan to utilize my doctorate of pharmacy degree to serve patients with chronic illnesses by pursuing a career in ambulatory care pharmacy. Pharmacists in this setting work alongside patients and physicians in outpatient clinics to optimize medication therapy and outcomes. Navigating life with Crohn’s disease during pharmacy school has presented significant challenges. Prior to my diagnosis, I felt consumed by feelings of anxiety and helplessness. As pain permeated my body, fear took over my mind. However, a pivotal moment occurred before my first colonoscopy when I connected with a surgeon who shared his own journey with Crohn’s disease. His experience greatly inspired me, and helped me shift from feeling self-doubt to empowerment. Seeing another Crohn’s disease patient donning a white coat made me feel limitless.

In light of my educational privilege, I aim to merge both my personal and professional experiences to serve my future patients holistically. I believe that my firsthand experience as a patient will offer a unique perspective, enabling me to comprehend the challenges that patients face. Beyond basic medication counseling, I will offer compassion, having experienced the daunting nature of chronic illness myself. Ultimately, I strive to inspire my future patients in the same way the surgeon inspired me the day of my colonoscopy. I aspire to be the member of the healthcare team who truly understands the struggles that my patients face, validates their concerns, and alleviates their suffering to the greatest extent possible. I am committed to making a meaningful impact in the healthcare experience of my future patients.

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Tori H.

University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign

Despite the severity of my disease, I have kept an optimistic outlook on life. I’ve been granted a perspective that few people will ever know and am grateful for the medical and pharmacological advancements that have made my experience with CD an otherwise happy existence. I strive to reach my academic potential and refuse to live any lesser of a life because it may be difficult at times. My drive to succeed is only strengthened so I can prove to others like me that it is possible. I aim to obtain my PhD in nutritional sciences and use my education to increase IBD awareness among industry, academic, and medical leaders.

Receiving this award would not only provide me with a layer of financial security but also bolster my drive and mission to be an advocate and active member of the IBD community. I have excelled in my doctoral program with a 4.0 GPA, published several first-authored manuscripts, taken an active role in student and community service organizations, and spoken at international nutritional sciences conferences including the annual meeting of the American Society for Nutrition. Although I think that having CD is one of the least interesting things about me, it has still formed my worldview and has fundamentally contributed to the person I am today. Receiving support from the IBD community would be one of my greatest and most rewarding achievements.

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Samantha H.

University of Florida

Winning the AbbVie Immunology Scholarship is a huge honor and represents all that I have accomplished in spite of my autoimmune disorder. This award will help to alleviate some of the financial burden of funding my degree, and will allow me to focus on growing both personally and professionally in the years to come. Having the opportunity to represent the autoimmune community will motivate me even further to achieve my career aspirations and serve as an advocate for everyone who is pursuing higher education while battling an autoimmune disorder. I am so excited to be a recipient of this award and be a representative of the AbbVie Immunology Scholarship Program!

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Sydney J.

Clemson University

I knew I wanted to be a nurse from a young age, especially given my own experiences after being diagnosed with Crohn’s Disease when I was 3. I became determined to learn to help others and make a difference, just as so many doctors and nurses have done for me during my countless hospital trips over the years. And while these healthcare professionals helped motivate me to pursue a career in the medical industry, my greatest inspiration is my father.

My father’s childhood wasn’t easy; he grew up in a household where he couldn’t rely on his parents and often had to fend for himself. When it was time to apply to colleges, he considered leaving New Jersey for North Carolina. But when his father passed away before graduation, my father decided to attend college in his home state so he could help support his mother and siblings. He worked incredibly hard to maintain good grades and took on a variety of jobs to help pay his tuition and avoid student debt. I believe his perseverance and determination led him to be not only a successful professional but also an amazing father—and I want to follow the example he has set.

This funding will help me do exactly that. While I know my parents would do anything to help me however they can, I want to prove to them—and especially to my father—that I can be independent and support myself. I want to show my appreciation for all the time they spent researching treatments, hospitals, and doctors after my Crohn’s diagnosis; for the days at a time, on multiple occasions, they spent by my side when I was hospitalized; and for the never-ending support they have provided for everything from my high school tennis career to my volunteer work in multiple nursing homes. This funding will lessen both the financial burden my college education will put on my parents and the loans or work-study positions I may otherwise need to pursue, ultimately letting me focus more fully on my studies and on my planned career as a pediatric nurse.

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N'Jhari J.

International Institute Orthotics & Prosthetics

Receiving the AbbVie scholarship has boosted my confidence in my ability to successfully complete my program of study. I want to help the teen girl needing a prosthetic leg that aligns with heels. As a former competitive swimmer, I want to help the swimmer with a prosthetic arm to perform my favorite stroke, the breaststroke. I want to ease pressure on the feet and arthritic joints of athletes and create an ankle socket conducive to allowing the dancer, dance.

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Thrisha K.

Penn State University

Receiving the AbbVie scholarship would be an absolute dream come true for me, exceeding mere financial aid. Growing up with Hidradenitis Suppurativa (HS) was a lonely journey. As a child, I faced the stigma surrounding this chronic autoimmune disease, compounded by the fact that HS is often associated with adult behaviors like smoking and drinking, none of which I have ever engaged in. I lacked role models who could relate to my experiences, leaving me to navigate the emotional and physical challenges of HS on my own. The isolation and burden often felt unbearable.

However, the AbbVie scholarship represents far more than financial assistance. It symbolizes connection and belonging. To be recognized and supported by a network of individuals who understand the complexity of living with a chronic condition is immensely powerful. It means finding my tribe. Through this scholarship, I envision forming meaningful relationships with fellow recipients, mentors, and professionals. Moreover, this scholarship holds the key to my educational aspirations.

As I embark on the rigorous journey of the 7-year Guaranteed Medical Program at Penn State University and Sidney Kimmel Medical College next year, the financial burden looms large. With three years of undergraduate studies and four years of medical school ahead, the cost is daunting. Yet, the AbbVie scholarship offers more than just monetary relief; it offers validation of my journey and the opportunity to make a difference. As a future physician who has lived with HS since childhood, this scholarship empowers me to embrace my unique perspective and advocate for others facing similar challenges. It grants me a voice—a platform from which I can amplify the voices of patients with chronic diseases, advocate for improved healthcare access and awareness, and serve as a beacon of hope for those in need. With each step of my journey, I will carry the legacy of this scholarship, honoring the support and belief it has bestowed upon me.

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Victoria K.

Edward Via College of Osteopathic Medicine

When I was diagnosed in my sophomore year in high school, I could not escape the grueling pain while playing sports and preparing for my future. Every movement I made left me weaker than before as I desperately longed for recovery. In the moments when the pain subsided, I could see the life I had worked diligently to build up was splintered around me.

Normally I never missed school given my class schedule filled with AP courses. However, in 10th grade, I started to miss months of classes. After being misdiagnosed numerous times, I found a caring physician who developed an effective treatment plan. With my trust in my physician, I returned to my high school running track in remission. Even when faced with a difficult track workout, I told myself I would not let my illness define me. This mindset led me to graduate at the top of my high school class.

During my illness journey, I also experienced a severe relapse at the height of the Covid-19 pandemic in the middle of a rigorous college course schedule. While Ulcerative Colitis initially left me broken, I was able to pick up the pieces and graduate Summa Cum Laude in Neuroscience with Honors. At the same time, I completed my dream public health internship. With my acceptance to medical school, I aim to continue providing compassionate care to help patients have a transformative recovery. I hope my story serves as an inspiration to continue pushing through barriers as they will help other students grow stronger.

Given my experience, my advice to another student with the same diagnosis is to take on a task you wish to accomplish after recovering from a flare. You need to remember the fighter inside of you. This illness does not take your good spirits away indefinitely. As someone who has a life-changing illness, you can become a voice for others just starting to adapt to an autoimmune disease. Your mentorship can make a valuable impact on the community.

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Lauren L.

Virginia Commonwealth University

This scholarship means the world to me, my family, and my future. It represents all of the positive personal attributes that I have gained as a patient living with a chronic inflammatory condition. I hope my story resonates with other students entering healthcare and inspires them to continue pursuing their dreams in the face of adversity.

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Catherine L.

University of Colorado

Pursuing medicine with a chronic illness has allowed me to better understand patients, provide more empathetic care, and have a heightened motivation to learn all I can for future patients. From my own experiences as a patient, I recognize the snapshot providers get of a patient’s life during a 15-minute appointment does not truly encapsulate what it is like to live with a condition that is continually part of your life. For this reason, I try to ensure I think of patients as more than just their health conditions and incorporate aspects of their personal identity into their care. I know for myself, I have many aspects of my identity beyond my health condition—I am a daughter, sister, student, runner, hiker/backpacker, and more. With my patients, I want to know these things as well. I want to ensure that part of my care plan as a provider goes beyond just tests and medications.

How do I make sure this mother-of-three with psoriasis gets to be fully present with her family and is not limited by her health condition? How do I make sure this college student with ulcerative colitis can still play tennis without urgency being a limiting factor? For my patient pursuing law school alongside a diagnosis of ankylosing spondylitis, how do I ensure they have the educational supports they need while also balancing their health? These are questions that come to my mind in seeing patients because of my own experiences with a chronic illness.

While aspects of my education have admittedly been complicated by my Crohn’s disease (scheduling doctor appointments with a busy class schedule or ensuring I have accommodations during testing to use the restroom if my Crohn’s disease flares), I ultimately believe having Crohn’s disease will make me a better physician one day. I hope to let my own personal experiences as a patient guide me in better connecting with patients, understanding their concerns, and providing more holistic and compassionate care.

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Madiera L.

University of Utah

Receiving this scholarship would mean a lot to me and it would validate that other people believe in me and support my aspirations, beyond just my closest family and friends. Any time I am awarded a scholarship, large or small, I feel gratitude knowing that my dedication to my academics is being recognized. Receiving this scholarship would take financial pressure off of me while I am working through graduate school. It is hard for me to be in school full-time, deal with the symptoms and treatment of my Crohn’s disease, and work to provide for myself financially.

Having a scholarship to pay part of my tuition would relieve financial pressure and promote more time for me to spend on my academics and healing my body. Receiving this scholarship would help to reduce my stress surrounding the cost of my education. This reduction of stress would also make a positive impact on my overall health because high stress situations lead to more frequent flare ups. Graduate school is very expensive and it is ideal that I minimize that debt as much as possible. Receiving financial assistance through this scholarship would reduce my total debt enough that I could continue my education for an additional year following graduate school to complete a residency program. After completion of a residency program, I would earn a specialization certificate in an area of my interest, and I would have advanced clinical experience that would benefit me throughout my whole career.

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Cherish L.

Oregon State University

Receiving this scholarship from AbbVie is an incredible blessing! It both alleviates financial stress and allows me to dedicate more time to my wildlife biology studies. As I navigate life with Juvenile Arthritis, this scholarship is an inspiration and encouragement as I strive to make my dreams a reality and give back to my community.

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Esmeralda M.

University of Houston

My decision to pursue a PhD in Higher Education Leadership and Policy Studies (HELPS) at the University of Houston (UH) wasn't solely driven by personal ambition; it stemmed from a deep desire to serve my family, community, and future generations. Pragmatically, I chose to pursue a PhD in HELPS because I'm passionate about shaping the future of education. Specifically, I am using a Quantitative Critical Race Theory (QuantCrit) lens, providing a framework to critically examine the systemic barriers faced by Latinas in STEM disciplines.

While research is my driving force, I remain dedicated to teaching as a cornerstone of my academic journey. This dual focus on research and teaching aligns with my long-term goal to transition to a tenure-track professor position in higher education that would allow me to combine my QuantCrit research skills and my teaching skills. I hope to teach future PhD students in higher education about using nationally publicly available datasets in quantitative studies to interrogate systemic inequities in education. This doctoral degree transcends personal achievement; it represents my commitment to my entire community. Ironically, I have not been able to make progress in my PhD without my community to begin with.

Without my family who supports me, nurtures me, and cares for me, I could not manage completing a PhD among all my responsibilities. This journey is not just for me; it is made possible by them, dedicated to them, and aims to empower others like them. This doctoral journey is a testament to the power of collective purpose, and I am confident that the knowledge and skills I gain will enable me to serve my community and advocate for positive change in higher education for all the years to come.

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Danielle M.

Georgetown University

The skills I was required to cultivate, from a young age, to advocate for myself in healthcare settings will serve me well in my legal education and career. Learning to thoroughly research and critically analyze information and opinions has honed my ability to advocate for others in legal contexts. Additionally, my legal conflict resolution skills were developed through communication with medical professionals in hospitals and doctors offices. Learning to actively listen, ask insightful questions, address concerns, and create compromises enhanced my acumen in legal dispute resolution. The most valuable lesson I’ve learned from navigating my educational career with Hidradenitis suppurativa (HS) is to take challenges as they come and continue moving forward.

Throughout my academic journey, I've adapted to and overcome emergent flares, chronic pain, and life-threatening reactions to experimental medications for my HS. I have been enriched by having to engage in self-advocacy, particularly through utilization of institutional resources like accommodations, in addition to advocacy through sharing my story and validating my own experiences. My educational circumstances have taught me to utilize resources to find creative solutions to unforeseen problems and to be flexible and kind to myself when life does not go according to plan.

Overcoming the challenges posed by my HS has helped me become a better student, as I've ultimately benefited from having to remain prepared and engaged in school to stay ahead of the impact of potential flare-ups on my studies. This tenacity has contributed to my academic success and personal growth. I would encourage other students to utilize available resources, speak up for themselves, and always prioritize their mental health. Most importantly, I would remind other students living with HS that they are enough, are stronger because of the challenges they've overcome, and must refuse to let their condition impede their aspirations or dreams.

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Jack M.

Fox Valley Technical College

Receiving this scholarship would be an incredible opportunity for me. My academic achievements are a testament to my potential and dedication to education, which is of utmost importance to me. Despite the challenges of having UC, I graduated as the valedictorian of my high school class and have maintained high honors in my college classes. I am determined not to let my health condition change the course my life is on. Financing my college education has been challenging, but I believe in myself. Currently, I am working part-time as an EMT to pay for school.

As part of my paramedic program, I must complete 200 clinical hours, have 25 patient contacts, and master numerous amounts of information. Unfortunately, my last semester of schooling didn't go as planned. I was able to maintain my dean's list status, but due to a fistula and abscess, my health took a turn for the worse. Surgery and recovery forced me to slow down and eventually stop for an extended period. Now that my body is healing, I am back to completing my clinical hours. Unfortunately, my work hours aren't on track; I have lost ground in paying for my education. This scholarship would alleviate the financial burden, allow me to focus on my education program, and get back on track to helping others.

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Angelea M.

University of New Mexico: School of Medicine

Receiving the AbbVie Immunology Scholarship represents a significant unburdening of financial stress, which will directly relate to an investment in my health and education as I look to finish my PhD.

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LaWanda M.

Adler University

Receiving the AbbVie Immunology Scholarship is more than just financial support; it is a profound validation of my dedication to achieving my personal and professional goals despite the daily battle with an inflammatory disease. It empowers me to pursue my studies with greater focus and vigor, inspiring me to contribute meaningfully to clinical psychology and ultimately improve the lives of children and adolescents. This scholarship is a testament to the potential impact of my work and the importance of perseverance in the face of challenges.

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Alexis M.

University of California: Los Angeles

To any student facing the same diagnosis, my advice would be: 1. Embrace your strength and resilience. Understand that setbacks are part of the journey, and bouncing back spotlights your inner strength. 2. Prioritize your health. Recognize when you need to rest and when you can push yourself. Balancing your well-being with academic demands is key. 3. Don't be afraid to ask for help. Communicate your needs to your teachers and peers. They can only support you if they understand what you're going through. 4. Focus on the positives that come from your experience, such as the lessons in self-care and resilience. These skills will serve you well beyond your school years. Remember, your health and well-being come first. With determination and the right support, you can navigate your educational journey successfully.

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Emily N.

Franklin University

Psoriasis has influenced every aspect of my life. The first signs of this disease crept up during my undergraduate studies, only adding to the stress of college life. My college experience was already abnormal. I was a married teenage mother working a demanding position in healthcare while my peers were living the typical college life. It was hard to assimilate. Then, the psoriasis plaques appeared. Fortunately, I have an aspiration for education and did not let this defeat me. I was able to graduate with my undergraduate degree in three years. While my college experience wasn’t typical, it has taught me lessons about learning, life, and love.

Over the last 20 years, psoriasis education and treatment options have expanded. This landscape is far different from what was available in the 2000s. Asking to give advice hits closer to home as my college-aged son has recently been diagnosed with psoriasis. There is a sense of guilt that overwhelms me, knowing what he doesn’t know about this disease. I advise him, as well as any other student, to be an advocate. There are so many resources available. Education and advocacy are essential in navigating psoriasis. Locating an empathetic healthcare provider who takes the time to hear your story and aligns treatment goals is necessary for overall health and disease management. I recommend joining disease-specific organizations to stay current with psoriasis research and treatments. Seek help. Ask questions. Learn. Education is empowering!

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Sarah O.

Harvard University

Receiving this scholarship is truly significant to me. It represents not only financial support but an acknowledgment of my journey thus far. Living with Rheumatoid Arthritis since I was sixteen has shaped my path in profound ways, from the early years of isolation to building a community for women with chronic illnesses. This scholarship alleviates the burden of tuition costs, allowing me to fully immerse myself in my studies and research. It provides freedom to focus on my academic and professional goals, empowering me to serve and advocate for those with chronic conditions whose voices often go unheard.

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Dayna P.

University of Chicago: Pritzker School of Medicine

When I was diagnosed with psoriasis two years ago, I could not have predicted how much my life would change. Within weeks of noticing the first bumps, scaly lesions began appearing all over my body. After three months of failing various treatments, my 21-year-old illusion of invincibility shattered. Each morning, I hated looking in the mirror, knowing my psoriasis had spread. The constant stares I received filled me with embarrassment, and activities I loved, like volleyball and weightlifting, became dreadful, as the sweat made my skin burn. Unknown to me at the time, my severe psoriasis was the root of my resilience.

Through journaling, I reframed my perspective, welcoming sadness, yet reminding myself that I am more than my condition. Vulnerability was my greatest act of courage, as confiding in my loved ones allowed my heart to start healing. Their support helped me realize that I should be proud of myself for my efforts to manage my psoriasis and my drive to stay optimistic.

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Elizabeth P.

Campbell University College of Pharmacy & Health Sciences

Every evening for the past six years, I write down something for which I am thankful. On the first day of the new year, I read all 365 pieces of paper to reflect on what I was grateful for. This year, many of the little papers read, “My seat. A chance. A new family.” Since starting physician assistant (PA) school, I have developed a feeling of genuine excitement as I take my seat every day. Despite living out my vocation, I have had to compromise my health and nutrition to pay for my education. If I received this scholarship, I would be able to fully focus on my studies, enhance the care of my patients, and cease the constant anxiety regarding my health. If it were not for my atopic dermatitis and other chronic conditions, I would not have learned the ins and outs of the healthcare system and the financial struggles that patients face.

Working as a special needs personal care attendant, certified nursing assistant, and home health aide has enabled me to intently listen to the patients' health concerns, as well as how they will afford the medications they need to live comfortably. Dealing with health issues myself has enabled me to connect with my patients. Since starting PA school, I have gone a month or two without certain medications, because I had to save for tuition. If I were to be awarded a scholarship, I would be able to continue my education and not fret about dealing with my own conditions, but instead those of my patients.

Being awarded a scholarship from an organization that supports students suffering from inflammatory diseases enhances my desire to represent this scholarship organization and advocate for my future patients. It would profoundly impact my education by allowing me to continue academia and fully dedicate myself to pursuing the career of a physician assistant, without added worry. After graduation, I hope to be financially grounded and immediately begin my career, with the goal of serving the underserved population around me.

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Viva R.

University of Utah

As a kid, I had severe atopic dermatitis and asthma. This progressed to a constant fatigue all while doctor after doctor would run tests and tell me I was perfectly healthy. This all came to a head my first year as a master’s student. It was incredibly frustrating because I knew something wasn’t right, but I couldn’t get any of the medical specialists I had sought out to take me seriously. In a fortuitous coincidence, I had decided to study cancer immunology as my main research topic during my master’s degree. I had very little exposure to the immune system before this, but with my newfound knowledge, I realized this had to be an immune disorder. In an even more happenstance situation, I was being mentored by a person who studied mast cells. One day, my mentor said to me in lab, “Have you seen an allergist? I think you have mast cell activation syndrome (MACS).” That was the first time someone was able to point me to the help I needed. Shortly after, I was diagnosed and treated for MACS and atopic dermatitis.

Since then, I have started my PhD and I’ve realized that I’m in a unique position. I’m one of the rare patients with a chronic inflammatory condition that studies immunology. I’m fully convinced if I was not in this field, I would have never gotten the treatment I needed to live a semi-normal, fatigue-free life. For this reason, the goal I have with my education is to open my own research lab where the focus is non-IgE mediated allergic mast cell diseases. Additionally, I’ve noted that the best MDs I’ve seen have a research background and I’m very excited at the idea of being able to mentor future MD/PhDs in allergic disease. It has also been a goal of mine to teach immunology at med schools because I feel I can help MDs better recognize inflammatory disease.

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Leigh-Ana R.

University of California: San Diego

I am a scientist-advocate, and as such, I will use my education, privilege, and personal experience with chronic illness to advocate for individuals with chronic and rare diseases, both in and out of the lab. In the lab, I’ve dedicated myself to understanding the molecular mechanisms of and developing novel therapies for chronic neurological diseases. As an undergrad at MIT, I worked to develop gene therapy technologies for polyglutamine-expansion disorders, including Huntington’s disease and spinocerebellar ataxia, both heritable motor disorders. Post-bacc, I continued studying chronic disease at Boston Children’s Hospital, exploring how dietary modifications could be used to treat drug-resistant seizures in children with genetic epilepsies. I’m excited for my future, in which I hope to lead my own research group studying brain-body crosstalk and develop new strategies to treat disease.

Outside of the lab, I work on initiatives to increase inclusivity, accountability, and community engagement in higher ed, especially for those with disabilities like chronic disease. I have spearheaded a climate survey to identify areas of our program that need the most work, develop programs to address these needs, and evaluate the efficacy of current programs. Students with disabilities expressed critical unmet needs, so I am developing access resources for students and competency trainings for faculty to begin to fill some of these gaps. Overall, I feel motivated by my experience with chronic disease to enable more, diverse scientists to enter the biomedical field and work alongside me to address to address complex questions in disease research.

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Emily S.

Vanderbilt University

This scholarship allows me to pursue meaningful, immersive research experiences during my graduate studies. It is also a testament to the power of community, and I look forward to continuing my work in healthcare quality improvement to give back to those who have supported my journey.

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Alaina S.

University of Pennsylvania

This scholarship would serve as great personal motivation and as immense help for financing my school tuition to reach my career goals. On a personal level, it would recognize that what I am doing for the Atopic Dermatitis (AD) community through my education and research matters. It would signify that my contributions have made a difference already and will continue to do so. I would be motivated to continue on this path towards gaining the necessary qualifications for patient interaction and patient-centered research. It would solidify my academic trajectory and clarify my career goals to work within this field.

Secondly, this scholarship would aid greatly in financing my undergraduate education, especially since I attend a school that does not offer academic-based scholarship aid. Succeeding in a rigorous academic program requires dedication, but financing that education can be an even bigger commitment. This scholarship would be appreciated, as it would reduce stresses over expenses and maintaining a job while doing schoolwork and performing research. As a result, it would be easier to clearly focus on my academic and career goals without extra financial worries. With added focus on my studies, I would be more likely to succeed in my education and maintain the proper credentials for gaining access to graduate school to complete my education. This scholarship would also serve as a personal reminder of how far I have come in my AD journey.

As a child, I struggled with the disease and was limited in the activities I could pursue. I couldn’t join sports or other pursuits because of skin flares, and even walking was painful sometimes. However, now as an undergraduate performing research and trying to find solutions to the disease, I am taking advantage of this hardship, and I have come full circle. Being honored with this generous award would signify not just the accomplishments I have achieved so far, but also the incredible things I capable of in my career.

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Kimberly S.

University of Washington

Never settle. I was informed of my Crohn’s diagnosis. I knew that there must be something that I could do to bring about change, but I was unaware of just how big that change would be. I took action by raising funds to find a cure for Crohn’s Disease and Ulcerative Colitis. For my first fundraiser, I set a goal of raising $1,800. Within 24 hours, that goal had been exceeded. That day I discovered not only how supportive of a community backed me, but also how much I was capable of accomplishing. I gained credibility within the Crohn’s and Colitis Foundation, who told me that if I raised at least $10,000, I could select the specific research project that the funds would benefit. Instantly, I had a new goal and within a few weeks I surpassed it. With each subsequent event, I set that same goal, and to date, I have raised over $100,000.

My fundraising efforts have helped to bring together many within the IBD community. I aim to connect those around me by catering my events to my community based on what they would most enjoy, which I have done by hosting separate events for adults and children. As I have been open about my story, people have reached out, sharing that they were ready to share their stories as well. This revealed that IBD had a much higher prevalence than I initially realized, further reinforcing the impact I was making.

Additionally, recently diagnosed peers have shared that knowing my story has provided them with the much-needed reassurance that I wish I had when I was in their position. Lastly, through my fundraising events, I have met many IBD patients and introduced them to a compassionate support network, and valuable resources provided by the foundation of which they were previously unaware. Through it all, these last seven years have only further reinforced the idea that, the way I see it, nothing is impossible!

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Lillian S.

University of Massachusetts Amherst

As someone who is paying for the majority of my education, receiving this scholarship would allow me to explore more opportunities, such as this lab, which will greatly benefit my future career. Beyond my undergraduate degree, I plan to attend medical school. My goal is to become a pediatric gastroenterologist. Additionally, I would like to continue my research on Ulcerative Colitis and other inflammatory diseases, so I will be applying to MD/PhD programs in order to continue my pursuit of this goal. Both of these rigorous academic programs can be quite expensive, and as the recipient of this scholarship, I would be able to go into graduate school with less debt, allowing me to worry less about affording my education and focus more on my academic and professional goals. Overall, becoming the recipient of this scholarship would greatly benefit my education, as well as my ability to keep learning and pursuing my dreams. I would be very grateful to receive the AbbVie Immunology Scholarship this year.

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Emelina S.

Vanderbilt University

If another student were to receive a diagnosis of a chronic inflammatory condition, I would offer them the following three pieces of advice: 1) Protect yourself. Familiarize yourself with your circumstances and your rights. Don't hesitate to request modifications or assistance with your coursework or job. 2) Work together with others. Find people who can relate to your situation and engage with local and national arthritis foundations and other community services. 3) Focus on the things you can control. While there are aspects of a chronic condition that you cannot alter, you have power over your advocacy, attitude, and academic goals. As a student, advocate, and future medical professional, this scholarship will enable me to complete my studies to change the world of arthritis.

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Aimee T.

Washington State University

I am extremely grateful to have been chosen as a recipient of the 2024-2025 AbbVie Immunology Scholarship. I am currently a 4th year Veterinary Medicine student. As a non-resident graduate student, my education is very expensive, causing me to incur very costly student loans to achieve my educational dreams of being a veterinarian. The AbbVie Immunology Scholarship plays a massive role in my ability to finance my final year of my veterinary education and allows me to avoid some of the student loans I would have had to take out.

Having an immune mediated disease has been a significant burden that has unfortunately detracted from multiple other aspects of my life, including my education. The rigor of my studies and financial concern does tend to cause me to neglect my hidradenitis suppurativa management. Through this scholarship, some of the financial burden I carry in order to achieve my education has been lifted. Without the looming financial burden, I am able to focus more on my education and also my health.

Being a veterinarian has been a dream of mine since I was a young girl, and the road to becoming a veterinarian has not been without challenges. As mentioned before, I am able to focus more on my clinical education and connecting with my veterinary patients this school year, something that I am eternally grateful for. With the ability to better focus on my education, I am hopefully becoming a better veterinarian. In the future, I hope this translates to better care and medicine for my veterinary patients. I am very thankful for AbbVie’s support of my education and other students like me, who also struggle with immune mediated diseases.

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Mohammed U.

Case Western Reserve University

Receiving the AbbVie Immunology Scholarship inspires me to believe that I am not alone in my struggle with autoimmune diseases and gives me renewed confidence in pursuing my dream of becoming a physician. This scholarship reminds me not to see my diseases as limitations on who I am but rather as strengths for the invaluable lessons imparted in me. I now realize that my obstacles do not define me, that they are only part of my story, and that in the end I am so much more because of them.

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Kyle W.

Harvard Business School

I am deeply grateful to AbbVie for awarding me this GI scholarship. Witnessing the impact of chronic diseases like Crohn’s has shown me not only the physical challenges but also the emotional and psychological toll they take. For me, community and authenticity have been crucial in managing these struggles. Thanks to AbbVie, I feel supported in my education and empowered to pursue my dream of building a business that serves the disability community.

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Zuzanna W.

Creighton University

I'm elated and so grateful for being chosen to receive this scholarship that will not only benefit my college education, but will assist my career in the nursing field. I aspire to use my knowledge of how my RA affected me to care for my future patients in the best way. It's an honor knowing AbbVie stands behind me in my education and future career to help me achieve my dreams.

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